Thursday, September 16, 2010

Can You Rock? 2010

Hey folks, I attended the first Can You Rock? graff jam on the weekend of September 14th here in Montreal (formerly Meeting of Styles). The same group that has been bringing the paint and pain for the last few years put together yet another solid graff and hip hop jam. This year the event hosted writers from the infamous MSK/AWR/T7L collective, as well as a few from NYC, Toronto, Ottawa, a few places I probably have no clue of, and a bunch of local big heads. The organizers also put on a street soccer championship that had a great turnout. Lots of pics.

I was only able to drop by for the first day of the event so I didn't get to see the pieces and productions get finished up the day after. I did, however, get a front seat to seeing some fine work being done. The theme for this years event was crew battles, so the various crews were busy putting together their collective projects. There were also a good number of individual pieces too. There were some interesting themes going on, especially that being put together by K6A in my opinion. The MSK boys also had some nice flow between their pieces. Loved the color and style they brought to the event. Crazy Apes had an old school WWF throwback production in the back going on and OMB was busting out a monsters production in the back tying together some single pieces.

All in all it was a great day for the jam and to crack a couple of beer at this spot even though it was a little windy and cold. Enjoy these pics of the event in progress from that Saturday. A couple of the pan shots are sliiiightly off. Getting pan shots of scaffolding doesn't always turn out the way you want it to. I just stopped off yesterday to get finished picks and some other stuff from the area so gimme a couple of days to throw those up.


Finished walls up soon.

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