Many cities beefing laws to fight against graffiti. In San Francisco, California, for example, current owner has 30 days to clean up graffiti on their property or face paying the city to do for them. Inevitably, the question will arise when the graffiti art? Some famous graffiti taggers have been accepted by the art world. The most famous is Keith Haring, whose work has sold upward of $ 100,000. Recently, taggers of "neck face" began to sell their works in an art gallery, and has appeared in newspapers and on television, often with masks covering their faces. In San Francisco, where the floor is known for being soft on graffiti and the property owner rather than law enforcement agencies to bear the burden of reducing graffiti, Mayor Gavin Newsom recently proposed a pilot program that will d art artist paint boxes for their artistic value. To learn more about this art projects in San Francisco.

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