Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Stinky's Update: Feb 2010

Alright Folks, this is my last post from my February trekking. Stink's used to be one of my favorite spots to visit. Sadly since it was closed a few years back there hasn't been much to see here. A few hits go up but nothing really eye-catching, although I must say if you look around hard enough you find a few funny and interesting nuggets amongst the rot and decay. I'm going to post a few pics a have from the vault in due time but I figured I would throw these up in the mean time to keep things current at least.

This first set of pics is not from Stink's but from the area leading up to it along the Lachine Canal. It's just a few hits up on the back of some company's wall but I figured that since I've never really gone by that route that I'd capture a few of them on the way in.
 When I hopped over the back fence to get into the main grounds I noticed that one of the bottom windows had been forcibly kicked in or removed revealing a way into the dark and murky depths of the substructure to the silos. Although I was tempted I was also alone without back up and the weather wasn't the most conducive to an exploration into the dungeon-like interior of the plant. I also didn't have any equipment like a trusty flashlight so I opted not to take a chance and get myself screwed. Tempting though...

The rest of the area was pretty regular, although I did manage to get some good shots of some relatively new stuff and even some nice oldies. Besides that I can always find time to take shots of Stink's in general.
On the way out through St. Henri I caught some stuff by Rage5 and Bubz along Notre-Dame and a few other tags and such along the way.
Got some more pics from the Pt. St. Charles area along the tracks coming soon. 

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